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5 Crystals To Help You Set — and Maintain — Boundaries

Setting and maintaining boundaries should be an important part of everyone's life. Personal boundaries allow us to thrive in all aspects of life—from relationships to work-life balance and everything in between, boundaries allow us to communicate our needs without worrying about what others think.

Boundaries also let us set limits—this helps to ensure that people can’t easily take advantage of us and also gives us a bit of insulation from getting hurt. It’s a self-care practice that has deep-reaching implications for our self-worth and self-esteem. 

If you have unhealthy boundaries in place, at first you might not notice how it is impacting your life. But as time goes on and your boundaries are working against you, you’ll soon start to feel the weight of going against your own best interests to please others. 

If you continue to let others walk over your boundaries, you’ll start to feel your self-confidence and self-respect dwindling. You continue to give more and more of yourself to others without getting anything in return. 

This is why it is so important to set and protect your boundaries. Holding your boundaries allows you to respect yourself while you respect others. What more could you ask for?!

With these 5 crystals in your corner, you’ll be able to understand the importance of boundaries, set them, and protect them.  

1. Golden Healer Quartz

When you decide to set boundaries, there is a lot of past baggage that is undoubtedly hanging around. You may be dealing with past boundaries that have been broken over and over again. Or maybe you’ve never set boundaries before and are dealing with the repercussions of years of people-pleasing. The first step in setting your new boundaries is being able to identify—and release—past experiences which led to a lack of boundaries in the first place. Golden Healer Quartz is the perfect crystal to aid in this. It helps you open up your consciousness so you can see and understand your past experiences, and opens up your energy fields to start the healing process.

2. Amethyst

Once you’ve done the hard work of uncovering what boundaries you need to set, it’s time to work on maintaining and protecting your boundaries every day. Allowing yourself to hold your boundaries takes time, patience, and practice. To help you break the habit of allowing people to tear down your boundaries, you can turn to Amethyst. This phenomenal purple crystal helps you accept and honor the fact that you are worthy of boundaries. Amethyst lets you see the self-respect and self-love that may have been lost over years of broken boundaries. You can also lean on Amethyst to keep you from falling back into the behavior patterns that allowed your boundaries to be broken in the past. Think of Amethyst as your boundaries cheerleader—encouraging you to keep on protecting yourself!

3. Amazonite 

For a lot of people, the act of setting and communicating boundaries is the reason why they don’t have enforceable boundaries in the first place. It can be hard to do the work to not only uncover what boundaries will serve you but also to communicate those boundaries to the people in your life. Like most difficult things in life, doing this work is extremely important for your personal well-being. By giving you the clarity needed to define what you need from your relationships, Amazonite helps you set strong, clear boundaries. It goes even further by supporting you in communicating your boundaries to those around you. 

4. Aragonite 

So, you’ve set your boundaries, you’ve communicated them to the people in your life, and you are ready to go! But what happens when someone pushes back on the boundary you’ve set and communicated? It’s time to stand your ground and enforce those boundaries! This can be a really difficult part of the process, so it’s helpful to have a crystal companion in your corner. I love Aragonite for enforcing your boundaries. Aragonite supports the self-discipline needed to enforce your boundaries and allows you to maintain balance in your relationships.

5. Petrified Wood 

When you set and enforce your boundaries, you will most likely ruffle some feathers. If your friends, family, and co-workers are used to being able to push past your boundaries, they may have a negative reaction to having those boundaries enforced. But here’s the thing, you deserve to be happy and if you’ve allowed the happiness of others to come before time and time again, something needs to change. Petrified Wood and its superior grounding energy is a wonderful stone to use to help you feel supported and rooted in this new way of living. You deserve the best! 

These 5 crystals can help guide you through the process of setting and maintaining your boundaries. I love how these 5 work together to give you a clear path, an understandable journey to work with boundaries in your life.