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Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign—The 8 Best Cancer Crystals

Ruled by the moon, Cancers are extremely passionate, charismatic, and loyal to their cores. They are also creative beings that have a deep appreciation for the simple things in life. 

Born between June 21 and July 22, Cancer is a Water sign with a superpower. They give you their undivided attention and are the definition of ride or die bestie. They spend time truly listening to their friends and know exactly how they feel—even when they don’t open up on their own. Crabs (the sign’s symbol!) have amazing intuition… it’s like they’re mind readers!

Cancers have a flair for the dramatic and are extremely charming. But they are also exceptionally sensitive, compassionate, and born to be caregivers. This might have something to do with their connection to the moon—maternal and emotional, Cancers like to make everyone in their lives feel cared for and comfortable. 

Their emotions also fluctuate pretty easily—once again, we can look to the moon for this! Because their emotions are controlled by the moon, they can flip quickly from happy to sad to angry to excited. This sometimes gets them labeled as moody but I prefer to think that it adds an air of mystery to Cancers. 

There isn’t another sign that holds onto the past quite like the Crab. Because they are so sentimental, they remember and hold onto everything—positive or negative, they can’t seem to let things go. Moving forward and accepting change can be difficult for Cancers because of their deep sentimentality. 

Cancers also have an amazing sense of humor so if you are looking for a laugh, you can always count on a Cancer. Their goofy sense of humor is universally loved and they use it to help make the people in their lives smile!

Now that we’ve gotten to know the Crab a little better, let’s take a look at the 8 best crystals for Cancers! Starting with crystals that help bolster their strengths:

1. Ruby

Cancers attract new friends through their loyalty and emotional depth. But the passion that they bring is one of the things that keeps people around long term. Their passion extends beyond their relationships though—they bring it to everything they do. So when Cancers are looking to focus on their passion they need not look further than the July birthstone, Ruby. While not all Cancers are born in July, the majority of them are, so connecting with their birthstone is an added bonus!

2. Carnelian

I mentioned before that Cancers are very creative—they are extremely imaginative and use their creativity to bring beauty into their world. They are constantly trying to make themselves, as well as their spaces, the most beautiful version of themselves. From fashion to makeup to everything in between, this is how the Crab’s creativity comes through. When they need a creative boost, Carnelian is a perfect choice. It brings a burst of creative energy to those who work with it. 

3. Moonstone

I think I made it pretty clear just how linked Cancers are to the moon and its energies. So it is no wonder that Moonstone is a crystal match made in heaven. Cancers’ deep connection with the moon resonates with their nurturing nature. Working with Moonstone will help them tap into their maternal, nurturing tendencies, and also gives them a boost to their already powerful intuition. 

4. Emerald

Cancers are truly loyal friends and their ability to nurture those around them is enviable. What I love about Emerald for Cancers is that it not only promotes friendship and balance within relationships of all kinds, but it also helps you open up and nurture your own heart—something that Cancers sometimes forget to do when they are busy nurturing the people in their lives.

And here are 4 crystals that help to mitigate the challenges Cancers face:

5. Hematite 

Cancers have big emotions—they are sentimental, sensitive, and deeply connected to their feelings. They experience their emotions on a level that some would consider intense. Because of this, they can often become overwhelmed. When this happens, Hematite can help bring them back to earth. Hematite’s grounding energy is just what the doctor ordered when emotions and feelings become too much to handle.  

6. Citrine 

While Cancers are passionate, adventurous, and fun-loving, they are also very emotional. And very loyal. When these two things combine, they have a tendency to be very hard on themselves and they can be quite stubborn. When they need a boost to their self-confidence and a nudge to help them open their minds to different perspectives, Citrine is there to help! Filled with high vibrational energy, Citrine helps you see the different paths your life can take, focus on the one you want, and recognize that you deserve it—this is one powerfully positive crystal!

7. Green Tourmaline 

I mentioned before that Cancers are sentimental, sometimes to a fault. They hold onto the past and have a difficult time moving forward and embracing change. When Cancers are facing a big life transition or change, they need to pick up a piece of Green Tourmaline. Green Tourmaline is known as a growth crystal—it is the perfect crystal to help you accept change and grow from it. It is also a very powerful crystal for compassion for yourself and creativity—a real heavy hitter for Cancers!

8. Red Jasper 

While I refuse to label anyone as moody, Crabs do have a propensity to quickly shift from one emotional state to another. It can be hard to keep up with as an outsider and as a Cancer, it can be exhausting trying to manage your own moods. That’s where Red Jasper comes in. This powerful Root Chakra stone can help to stabilize your mood, keep you centered, and give you an energetic boost. 

If you are a Cancer, I hope these crystals can help you boost your nurturing nature, stay grounded in your emotions, and connect with your intuition!

If you’re looking for more zodiac crystal pairings, you’re in luck!