The Healing Properties of Fluorite

If you’re looking for a gorgeous crystal that can also help your concentration and focus, look no further than Fluorite. This crystal comes in a variety of colors and every single one of them glows from within—literally!

Today, I’m going to share everything you need to know about Fluorite. From its origins and molecular makeup to its healing properties and how to incorporate it into your life, I’m giving you everything you need to integrate Fluorite into your crystal journey.

Ready to get started? Let’s go!

Let’s get geological!

This calcium fluoride crystal belongs to the Halide family of minerals. Fluorite commonly grows in a gorgeous cubic formation but has also been known to grow in octahedral and other complex isometric formations. 

Fluorite is a particularly beautiful crystal that comes in a wide variety of colors. While shades of purple and green are most common, it also occurs in pink, blue, yellow, red, and even rainbow! It is also a transparent crystal that has a fun secret—when placed under ultraviolet light, Fluorite glows! Just like its name suggests, most specimens fluoresce when exposed to UV light. 

Fluorite can be found all over the world—from the United States, Mexico, and the UK to Germany, Peru, and China. 

The healing properties of Fluorite

Have you ever found yourself in a mental storm? For some, your mind is consumed by confusion, others are wrestling with a million thoughts, or perhaps there is a ton of negativity swirling in your brain. However the storm presents itself, Fluorite can help you clear your mind—and your environment—of the mental storm.

It takes the chaos in your life and creates order, giving you everything you need to make your dreams a reality.  

Fluorite is known as a stone of great clarity, mental acuity, and concentration. It is a wonderful crystal to keep with you or near you when you need to focus or get through a difficult task at work. In the same vein, Fluorite can help your emotional side think through your feelings when you are overwhelmed. 

If you are a creative person but can’t seem to settle on a single idea and make progress, Fluorite can help you find the right direction, create an action plan, and commit to it. Along with this clarity, Fluorite helps you move past your fears of the future making it easier to follow the path you chose.

It can even enhance your ability to learn and memorize information—the perfect gift for any student in your life!

Certain colors of Fluorite have special healing properties that are unique to them. I’m going to talk about the three most common colors of Fluorite and the extra special attributes that they can bring into your life. 

Green Fluorite

Green Fluorite is a heart chakra crystal that brings together the heart and the mind. It ensures that your thoughts and actions are aligned with the energy in your heart—the plans you make will always be heart-centered!

It is also a great crystal to have by your side when you are working through heartache and heartbreak. It can help you understand and heal your past trauma to allow you to open your heart to love once again. 

Purple Fluorite

Looking for new ideas? Grab your Purple Fluorite and get brainstorming! This crystal is all about enhancing your mental faculties and helping you move away from any mental ruts you may find yourself in. It is a reenergizing crystal that inspires creativity and gets rid of negativity at the same time!

Rainbow Fluorite

If you’re looking for the best of both worlds, then Rainbow Fluorite is the crystal for you! Because Rainbow Fluorite is a blend of most of the colors, it is also a blend of the properties of those crystals. 

How to use your Fluorite

Fluorite has some amazing benefits and energies—but how can you make the most of them when working with Fluorite in your daily life?

As I mentioned before, Fluorite’s ability to foster mental acuity and enhance one’s ability to learn and memorize makes it an amazing crystal for students who are studying day in and out. But students aren’t the only ones who can benefit from Fluorite’s focus and concentration—anyone with a creative or mentally taxing profession can use Fluorite daily. 

What I love about Fluorite is that anyone can use this crystal and see the benefits in their lives.

If you are a student, creative, or someone else who is seeking more clarity of mind, I recommend carrying Fluorite with you. Whether you choose to wear it in the form of jewelry or carry a Palm Stone, Fidget Stone, or even Touchstone with you, having Fluorite with you throughout the day can help you stay calm, focused, and stress-free 24/7.

Fluorite is a great addition to any office. It helps keep your mind focused and your thoughts organized while you are working. Try adding a Fluorite Sphere to your office decor and reap the benefits.

You don’t have to stop at your office. Adding Fluorite to your home can help to rid your environment of chaotic energy, giving you a calm and welcoming space to enjoy. I love Fluorite candle holders for any area of your home. Not only are they stunning, but the heat from the candle will amplify the supportive energy of the Fluorite—it’s a win-win!

Whether you need a little more mental and emotional clarity in your life, or you are looking for a new study buddy, Fluorite is the crystal for you! Have you worked with Fluorite before? Let me know in the comments below how it has helped you!

Keep shining, Crystal Lover!


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