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Crystals for Your Zodiac Sign — The 8 Best Libra Crystals

Charming, smart, and social, Librans belong to the Air element of the zodiac (along with their Gemini and Aquarius pals). Libras are represented by the scales which speak to their need to find balance and harmony—they focus on symmetry and creating equilibrium in all aspects of their lives. 

Born between September 23 and October 22, Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet that controls all things love, money, and beauty. Their connection to Venus explains their high aesthetic and love of art—they make amazing designers, decorators, stylists, and art curators.

Relationships are extremely important for Libras. They find balance in partnerships but need to be careful that their people-pleasing tendencies don’t overstep their relationship boundaries—it’s more important to keep your loved ones happy than it is to keep the attention of people on the periphery of your life.

Because it is a cardinal sign, Libras are great at kicking off new projects and pursuits. But this same tendency means they are often considering multiple perspectives at once, which often leads Librans to struggle with indecision. 

Libras are your typical social butterflies—throw them into any social situation and watch them take flight. They are the life of every part, the perfect host, and love to be the center of attention. They are on a constant quest to bring lighthearted fun everywhere they go. They are extremely diplomatic making it easy for them to fit in anywhere with anyone.

Organized and intelligent, Libras aren’t fans of mess, chaos, and conflict—their mantra may just be “why can’t we all just get along?” They like to flex their brains to analyze everything and work hard to find the fairest solution to any issue. Libras are lifelong learners who love to learn new things and seek out opportunities to do just that. 

They also love to listen—to their friends, families, coworkers, or even the barista at their local cafe. They take in all the information they can, but can also tend to become a bit of a gossip with all the information they’ve taken in. Sure, they hate conflict, but when a piece of gossip might impress or humor a friend, they’re quick to share.

Like every zodiac, there is a positive and negative side to every Libra characteristic. Thankfully, there are some amazing crystals out there that can help bolster their strengths and weaknesses! Let’s take a look at 4 crystals for Libra’s strengths:  

1. Turquoise 

Arguably the crystal most often associated with Libras, Turquoise is a symbol of friendship and it also promotes justice and fairness. It brings balance to the lower chakras, and we know how much Libras love balance! Turquoise opens lines of communication between people and helps Libras connect with those around them. Libras love to listen, they love to chat, and Turquoise helps make that possible.

2. Black Tourmalinated Quartz 

Black Tourmalinated Quartz is a powerful combination of black tourmaline and clear quartz. It is the perfect balance of the two crystals—equal parts protection and clarity. Together these crystals balance your energy and restore harmony to your life. Libras are all about balance—remember they’re symbolized by the scales of justice. Black Tourmalinated Quartz helps them find the harmony and balance they crave, keeps them grounded, and brings focus to the deep-thinking Libra.   

3. Citrine 

Libras are positive and joyful by nature. When they are looking for a boost, they can turn to Citrine. It can support their natural positivity and joy while balancing their emotions. Citrine can help make them more confident in themselves and let go of the criticism of others. With Citrine in their corner, Libras can renew their commitment and dedication to their goals.

4. Ametrine 

Known for its ability to bring balance to the energies of the mind, body, and spirit, Ametrine is a mixture of Amethyst and Citrine. This interesting crystal can balance all areas of your life while helping you tap into your inner strength and courage. Ametrine is great for Libras because it brings peace and balance to their decisions and helps them stay grounded and centered during times of stress. 

And here are 4 crystals that help to mitigate the challenges Libra face:

5. Lepidolite 

Libras are overthinkers—they spend hours on hours analyzing and reanalyzing situations only to do it all over again the next day. They can get stuck in their heads which leads to increased anxiety. Lepidolite can help them get out of their heads, ease their anxiety, and cut back on the reoccurring thoughts. Lepidolite is wonderful for relieving stress and worry and also helps you to release the negative thought patterns that Libras often become trapped in. 

6. Fluorite 

It’s time to focus, Libra! Yes, Libras can be indecisive but their desire to glean all the information they possibly can also makes it difficult for them to focus deeply. They are great listeners, but sometimes their minds wander. When Libras need to focus their attention, they can work with Fluorite. This stunning crystal can give them the mental clarity they need to not only focus on the present moment but to also—you guessed it—make decisions quickly and confidently.

7. Aquamarine 

We all need a little calm in our lives, and Libras are no different. Aquamarine has a soothing energy that is emotionally cleansing and calming, but it is so much more than that—especially for Libras! Aquamarine’s calming nature helps Libras become more accepting and welcoming to change in their lives. It helps you become more flexible and adaptable so you can face whatever changes and challenges come your way with ease.

8. Sodalite 

Libras like to consider every option—it’s the only way they can ensure that they make the fairest choice possible. But this sometimes leads Libras down the path of indecision. With so many options, it becomes difficult for them to make a final decision. When Libras are struggling with indecision, they can turn to Sodalite. Sodalite connects you with your intuition and inner vision. When you are struggling to make a choice, this connection helps reveal which choice is the best choice for you. 

If your zodiac sign is Libra, I hope these crystals can help you find balance, connect with others, and recognize that you can make decisions with ease!

If you’re looking for more zodiac crystal pairings, you’re in luck!